So that is not the same as a change to resurrect when they actually DIE. Truly ? I thought they could really have a change to revive them self, and on top of that, have a change to regain 1000 health when under 10% health ! It just regens 1000hp when near death instead of actually coming back to life like the phoenix. It's gimmick, the resurrect, isn't even that powerful. I haven't played Skaven in a long time (waiting for jezzails) but I could not get them to fight anything end game and actually beat it. The Hellpit, what are the opinions about this most awesome looking unit !? Truly the pinnacle of Skaven engineering/experiment/magic combined together I would say ! But again, I am just starting to use them, today I will find out most likely how they are truly holding up. Well they won, and they don't look THAT BAD as people say. So I had to do something, I thought, maybe its possible to just attack them with the aforementioned units, even while the rogua army had 12 untis with 3 of them Chaos Knights. There was a rogue army raiding my capital region, and because of it I was in the - money wise. I got 2 now, and got another 2 doomwheels in the same army, and that's it. The Hell Pit is one of those units I really really looked forward to, and at turn 147 or so, it become a reality.

This is my first Skaven Campaign in all the time I have been playing Warhammer 2 (with is 1600 hours now) and I am having a true blast. I hear a lot of negative stuff about the units, and I kind of understand why I think. Today I would like to discuss The Hell-Pit Abomination Hello everyone, how are you all holding up today ? 2K A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia.844 A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai.